Sunday, December 6, 2009

Would it matter if...?

I am 16 years old and have been singing and on stage in shows since I was 4 years of age. My singing and acting are very strong now but my dancing is not of a high standard. I have been going to a dance school recently for jazz classes but have been doing the adult class with some friends, however, this class does not teach me what I need to know. The class before me is a class of my age group but they are all so good. I am scared of joining it as I will look really silly :S I want to be a proffessional performer (hopefully in musical theatre) does it matter if dancing is my weakest? and also can anyone reccommend a) any good drama schools in London and b) a good way to get into acting proffessionally xxx

Would it matter if...?opera ticket

If only I was sixteen again. I simply want to give you some encouragement. Let me first say that I am very soon going to join a poker club/organisation. I haven't played before and I will of course be using MONEY, but hey, I am there for myself, and not for anyone elses' benefit. Let me relate this to your situation. Get yourself into the right class for your career. Ask yourself this: am I in this difficult dance class for them or for me? You are in the difficult class for YOU. You will get better and you will get your breaks. I will also add that I am an aspiring playwright, and sometime in the future I will get my breaks too. You are there for you, and you will get better. You will also make some friends there too. I wish you the best of fortune.

Would it matter if...?pacific theater opera theater

itali conti school in london is the most famous when you finish at 18 and you do well in your A-levels you could try RADA
Students who want to be professionals in musical theatre will need to have strong singing, acting and dancing ability.

It is a good thing that you recognise now your weak dancing. The down side is that you are scared to join the previous class; this is where you should be!

If other dancers of your age group are better than you then they will enjoy greater success than you. They are more likely to succeed where you will fail.

I'm sorry to be harsh but professional theatre is harsh. I have a number of friends who are and who were in professional theatre.

If you want to improve your dancing you must join that previous class. You may look really silly and you may be scared but are you going to let that be an obstacle to achieving you dream?

To answer your last two questions,

a) all the London drama schools are hot! But they all cater for slightly different things and have different strengths and weaknesses. You need to research the courses that are being offered and make sure your final choice meets your requirements.

Most of the schools have websites (as I'm sure you know) and don't you dare join a course without visiting the school! Don't restrict yourself to London schools. It is outrageously expensive to live in London. If you don't have a grant or a rich daddy you will have to get a job in addition to attending classes.

Consider Bristol, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow. In fact, there are great drama schools all over the UK. Where you study doesn't really matter. The key factor is how much blood, sweat and tears are you prepared to sacrifice? In other words, how much effort are you prepared to give?

b) It sounds like you are doing all the right things to prepare for a professional stage career, except one thing; you must also prepare mentally.

By this I mean you must expect hundreds of people to say no. You will fail many auditions. Many doors will be slammed in your face! Will you have the mental strength to keep working towards your dream?

If you are too scared to join a dance class you might as well give up now!

Best wishes and good luck!

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