Thursday, December 10, 2009

Anyone Interested in creating a new Musical?

A Musician and a Songwriter living in East London have an idea for a contemporary re-writing of a very old piece of musical theatre. At the moment we have no backing/money, etc, just the idea. We're also somewhat lacking in theatrical experience (though we have had some...). We need a theatre person with a feel for musicals and who knows how to put shows on and who has a bit of spare time. Interested?

Anyone Interested in creating a new Musical?secure browser

I don't have the experience you're looking for, but I am interested in mystery dinner theater. I'm working on writing a cowboy melodrama this summer and have written a musical based on a Scottish ancestor (hope that didn't just lose you). Do you need editors? Background is a Bachelor's degree in English with a Creative Writing Emphasis (the actual title) from the University of Utah.

Anyone Interested in creating a new Musical?home theater opera theater

I'm not interested, but it sounds like fun. Let us know how it turns out!
I would like to create teletext the musical.
There's these three guys I know- Andrew, Lloyd and Webber.
I do lyrics- let me know if that is something you need.
I'd help except the atlantic ocean is right in the way. sound like a great idea. flesh out your story and propose it to someone at the actors guild. Good luck!

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