Thursday, December 10, 2009

New Drama Group? PLEASE all i need is an opinion and you get 2 points anyway! PLEASE HELP ME?

I moved to a new drama group, which is better than the old one i used to go to, because we do drama, singing and dancing,

Anyway, i still dont think im getting enough of what i want from this new one so im thinking of joining my local theatre.

Is this a good idea? i want to continue with drama later on in life so would being a part of the theatre be better?

But with the one im with now we get the chance to act in London.

I dont know what to do!!!

PLEASE HELP! Two points, big difference!


New Drama Group? PLEASE all i need is an opinion and you get 2 points anyway! PLEASE HELP ME?opera sheet music

Yes, it is a great idea to look into joining your local theatre. It sounds as if the drama group is more about training then performance. Correct me if I am wrong. And the theatre would of course give you an opportunity to actually be on the stage. While I feel that training is essential to becoming a good actor the chance to perform is just as essential. Is there anyway to participate in both?

If not then you need to sit down and write out a pros and cons list. Look at the varying benefits of both. For example does one offer more complete training, will give you more of a chance to actually use the skills you have been learning, will surround you with people who are more professional, doesn't cost you a ton of money, focuses on areas and genres that you are interested in, etc. If the only benefit of the one you are with now is the chance to act in London then you need to look at how high the chances are. What is that chance based on? Is it a real promise they are making? Is it based on how much you can pay for the trip? Do you have to audition for it?

Good luck with making this decision. I think in your gut you will know what the right choice is. Listen to that feeling and take comfort in the fact that you are a dedicated person who is smart as well.

New Drama Group? PLEASE all i need is an opinion and you get 2 points anyway! PLEASE HELP ME?shows opera theater

Well if you can try both and see what you like, personal experience is best. If they are at the same time, ask someone else whose done both. And if no one has done both ask someone who has done one, that answer might be biased, but it's better than nothing.
If you aren't comfortable with your current situation, change it. You will have many choices like this in your life/career.

Any experience helps.

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