Thursday, December 10, 2009

Help finding more information about my old looking william shakespeare book.?

This book turned up in a rumage in my parents house about 10 years ago and I've always read from it. It's 1099 pages, black fiber/cloth blinding. "The complete works of william shakespeare" On the binding it stays the title again in italics and then ABBEY LIBRARY. There's the copyright logo but no date. Printed in poland. MURRAYS SALES AND SERVICE CO. CRESTA HOUSE 63, ST. PAULS RD., LONDON N. 1. GREAT BRITIAN.

There's a foreward by one, Sybil Thorndike, Chichester Festival Theatre.

It also states that the plays are presented as they appeared in the first folio of 1623. But the sonnets were added to this one.

The pages are coarse but delicate, most likely beige but they now have a tannish hue.

There's also a tattered white-ish fiber ribbon sewed into the bind for bookmarking.

The cover seems to have been printed in a gold colour of some substance and is wearing away.

Alright that's it I think.

Help finding more information about my old looking william shakespeare book.?

This addition is procurable on e-bay, etc, etc, anywhere, $10-20. It's a modernish printing, on the cheap in Poland, maybe about 1970. Many similar - some better - some worse - mine happens to be 1899 and beautiful - %26amp; worth nothing!

My advice is keep it - read it - read it all - enjoy!

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