Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why are people so negative?

Just answered a question about people moving to London, and when I saw all the other answers every one of them was like "don't move to London, it's a dump" and "England is crap" etc. The british Isles is one of the most beautiful places on the planet, we have a lot to be proud of, The white cliffs, the lake district, lochs in scotland (riveling the Fjords of Norway), wild ponies in the new forrest. When I was in south wales last month I was surprised at how much like new south wales in oz it was like. and as for London is the cultral hub of the world, we have the best resaurants, shopping, theatre, parks, architecture, museums, I could go on for ever.....

People complain about the weather, but where else in the world do you not have monsoons, hurricanes, drought, tornadoes, natural disasters, extreme heat/humidity, extreme cold. Infact I think we have one of the best climates in the world.

I could write an essay on this, but I have no space!

Why are people so negative?chinese theater

To quote a famous Englishman:

"No matter where I roam

I will come back to my English rose

For no bonds can ever tempt me from she"

England is the best, we were the first to have an industrial revolution - we built the railways of America and India, in fact we owned most of the world at one point. But that aside id much prefer London to New York, Sydney (although i love australia), Tokyo, anywhere....

Could go on but i actually dont need to.

Why are people so negative?opera mini opera theater

Yes, I wholeheartedly agree with you. I live in London and love it. The rest of the time I live in Surrey which is beautiful in the summer. I don't know why people complain, these are the sort of people that go and live in Spain and just annoy people there instead. As long as we enjoy the place, screw 'em.
Well, so you know it is just opinion. Probably people who have nothing to complain do not complain, and you end up with complaints on this site.
Because people are never satisfied of what they have. They keep looking for the silver lining not knowing that its there all along. Go figure.
Because Yahoo! Answers inherently attracts those who only have a voice when expressed anonymously through web-board or chat room postings.
b/c the have sad little lives
it probably wasn't just London they were talking about, they were probably like the rest of us dont want anymore immigrants coming to the UK and taking our jobs and housing etc, the people asking what London etc is like weren't untested in scenery etc they would be looking for the nearest job centre etc.
i think people who have had a lot of disappointments in life have learnt to look at opportunities with a negative outlook

so that they wont be disappointed

Instead of letting go of negativity and seeing evry opportunity as a new venture they relate the new experience to the old ones

Changing you mindset takes tinmeas we are conditioned by parents and others to thing of the negative side of things rather than the positive
Very well said!!
England is great , i dont like the taps
I wholeheartedly agree with you. Britain is great. We should count our blessings every day that we don't have to live in a country that is torn apart by civil war, that we are not forced to flee our homes and live as refugees in other people's countries and that we have beautiful countryside, vibrant cities, great music, a cosmopolitan and for the most part tolerant society, an abundance of food and water. I too could go on and on.

Everyone should stop and think and stop bloody moaning!
I think for a lot of foreigners that move to England, it can be a very difficult place to get used to. When we are used to more sun the weather can get us down. I've experienced a lot of xenophobia here that just acts as a regular reminder that this really isn't my place. And if you come from a part of the world where people are more open or talkative, the English reserve can be hard to see past. So yeah, England has a lot going for it, but if you ask people that have come here from elsewhere, a lot are likely going to be negative about it. Try not to take it personally- and remember that its definitly not just England people complain about!
Sweetheart, Yes people are mostly negative and I can't explain why. I live in the most 'wanted' country in the world - New Zealand, and yet I want to move to Pittsburgh. Weather, Public transport choas, Crime etc ... it happens anywhere.

I'm not sure what the question you answered was but ... live where your soul is happy - that's what counts (you'll know when you're 'home').

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